Workshops, Activities & Events Calendar
Your connection to the Centre extends beyond your child’s visits with their therapists. We offer a full catalogue of FREE events for children, youth, and their families to receive information, education, support as well as opportunities to connect with others with shared experiences. We also offer opportunities for children and youth to engage in inclusive, accessible recreation activities and skill development in group settings.
Looking for an event guide on the go?
Download the latest edition or pick up a printed copy at your next appointment.
Online Youth Group
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Online Youth Group
Grade 5 and up are welcome to join us virtually to chat, play games, and connect with your friends.
Registration: Through reception by January 3rd, 2023: 905-688-3550 ext. 0
Child/Youth Groups
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virtual- zoom link will be sent after registration