If parents/legal guardians have concerns about their child’s development, but are unsure of their child’s development support needs, what services to seek and/or how to access them, then they can request a “SmartStart Hub” appointment with one of our knowledgeable Intake Coordinators.
Parents and legal guardians can make specific service requests for core services of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language therapy for children from birth until August 31st of the year the child turns 4.
Based on the concerns identified by parents/guardians in their service request, our Intake Coordinators will also explore the options below (if applicable):
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Clinic
- School-Age Active Rehabilitation Services
- School-Aged Equipment Needs
- Seating and Mobility Clinic
- Social Work
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are encouraged to use the Online Service Request link to share their concerns and book a call with an Intake Coordinator at a convenient time.
Alternatively, you may choose to leave a voicemail for Intake at (905) 688-1890, ext. 110 to start the process of a service request/referral.
*For more information about these programs, see our A-Z listing.
Don’t see the program you are interested in listed?
Parents and legal guardians of children already involved with Centre services can ask their child’s therapist(s) about eligibility for/referrals to any of the Centre’s additional programs and services.