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Niagara Children’s Centre accepts referrals from parents/legal guardians, physicians, community service providers and school boards (with parental consent).

Make an Online Referral (Service Request)

If you are a parent/guardian, physician/medical professional or other community partner (details below), you can use our new and improved Online Service Request Form for: 

  • Early Years SLP, OT, PT services
  • A variety of specialty Clinics (if applicable)
  • Specialty programs such as SmartStart Hub (intake service), Infant and Child Development Program

Our Online Service Request Form will guide you through your options, based on who you are as a referral source as well as the child/youth’s age. If you have not used our Service Request Forms before, please review the information below prior to proceeding. 

Make an Online Service Request

Please note:
Referrals from EarlyON staff for the Preschool Resource Consultant Program or by designated Niagara Childcares for French Resource Consultant Services (outside Welland/Pelham) must make these requests in the section below. 

Learn more about Eligibility

General Eligibility

  • The child/youth is a resident of the Regional Municipality of Niagara
  • Programs/services are available from birth to age 21, depending on the specific program
  • The child/youth must have a suspected or diagnosed physical, developmental and/or communication delay or disability

Program Specific Eligbility 

  • Each program at the Centre has specific eligibility. Each program may have specific age eligibility, address-specific needs, or require a specific type of referral (e.g. physician referral).
  • You may also refer to our programs and services listing for program-specific eligibility criteria.

Resource Consultant Program

For EarlyON & French Services in Childcare Centres

The Resource Consultant services through Niagara Children’s Centre are geared towards supporting families who meet the service criteria for specialized supports, within EarlyON sites and within designated Child Care Centres across Niagara for French Services (outside of Welland/Pelham). In partnership with educators and support personnel, our Resource Consultants will provide formal/informal assessments and work in conjunction with a child’s team of specialists at Niagara Children’s Centre (as appropriate) to create goals and offer strategies to optimize each child’s development all within an inclusive, play-based group program at the EarlyON sites and designated Child Care Centres. 

Les services de consultants en ressources offerts par le Centre pour l’enfant de Niagara visent à soutenir les familles qui répondent aux critères de service pour les soutiens spécialisés, dans un environnement d’apprentissage préscolaire au sein des Centres ON y va ou des centres de garde d’enfants désignés à l’extérieur de Welland et de Pelham. En partenariat avec le personnel de soutien à la petite enfance, nos consultants en ressources fourniront des évaluations formelles/informelles et travailleront en collaboration avec l’équipe de spécialistes de l’enfant au Centre pour l’enfant de Niagara (le cas échéant) pour créer des objectifs et proposer des stratégies visant à optimiser le développement de chaque enfant, le tout dans le cadre d’un programme de groupe inclusif basé sur le jeu dans les sites désignés. 

More information for

Parents and Legal Guardians

If parents/legal guardians have concerns about their child’s development, but are unsure of their child’s development support needs, what services to seek and/or how to access them, then they can request a “SmartStart Hub” appointment with one of our knowledgeable Intake Coordinators.

Parents and legal guardians can make specific service requests for core services of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language therapy for children from birth until August 31st of the year the child turns 4.

Based on the concerns identified by parents/guardians in their service request, our Intake Coordinators will also explore the options below (if applicable):
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication Clinic
  • School-Age Active Rehabilitation Services
  • School-Aged Equipment Needs
  • Seating and Mobility Clinic
  • Social Work 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are encouraged to use the Online Service Request link to share their concerns and book a call with an Intake Coordinator at a convenient time.

Alternatively, you may choose to leave a voicemail for Intake at (905) 688-1890, ext. 110 to start the process of a service request/referral.

*For more information about these programs, see our A-Z listing.

Don’t see the program you are interested in listed?

Parents and legal guardians of children already involved with Centre services can ask their child’s therapist(s) about eligibility for/referrals to any of the Centre’s additional programs and services.

Physicians/Primary Care/Healthcare Providers

Physicians or Medical Professionals can make referrals for most Centre programs/services. The Online Service Request will provide you with a full list of options.

“Physicians or Medical Professionals” refers to allied health professionals:
  • Niagara Health/Hospital Staff/hospital-based clinic staff
  • Primary Care Physician/Nurse Practitioner
  • Medical Specialist
  • Pediatrician
  • Ontario Health at Home Care Coordinators

Please note: Use of the Online Service Request link is preferred.

If you prefer fax, the following form must be faxed to Intake at (905) 688-9181:
  • Niagara Children’s Centre/Smart Start Hub Physician/Primary Care/Healthcare Providers Referral Form
Supporting Documents:

Local Community Partners

Designated local community partners may make referrals for the SmartStart Hub and/or core services of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and/or speech-language therapy for children age 0-4* (*until August 31st of the year the child turns 4).

“Local Community Partners” refers to any of the following: 

  • Family and Children’s Services (FACS) or any Children’s Aid Society (CAS) in Ontario
  • Niagara Region and Public Health: Healthy Babies Health Children, Public Health Nurses, Niagara Parents, Children's Services
  • Preschool Resource Consultants
  • Pathstone Mental Health
  • Bethesda
  • Contact Niagara
  • De dwa da dehs nye>s
  • Centre de santé Communautaire
  • Professionals in a Preschool Speech and Language Program (PSL), Infant Hearing Program (IHP) lead agency or Children’s Treatment Centre in Ontario
  • Childcare/Preschool Educators following Quality Child Care Niagara (QCCN) protocols can only refer to Early Years SLP Services

Please note: Use of the Online Service Request link above is preferred.

For QCCN referrals: you will be given the option to upload your checklists within the Online Service Request. Forms sent via email will not be accepted

Alternatively, you may choose to fax the appropriate referral form(s) to Intake at (905) 688-9181:
  • Childcare/Preschool Educators following QCCN protocols can review the necessary forms
  • Other community partners may complete the Niagara Children’s Centre/Smart Start Hub Referral Form if requesting core service(s) referrals and/or SmartStart Hub. The Niagara Children's Centre Birth to School Start (OT| PT | SLP) Referral Checklist must accompany the referral form if requesting OT, PT and/or SLP.
Supporting Information/Documentation (Optional)
Community Partners may choose to attach these optional forms to avoid families from having to share their story twice and/or to ensure the Centre receives all the necessary information to enable the highest quality care for the family.

Supplemental Consent Processes and Documents