Attending scheduled appointments and arriving on time helps you, your child and your family benefit most from your Niagara Children’s Centre services. It also helps the Centre be as efficient as possible to ensure that every available appointment is filled with another child/family who needs our support.
We understand that “life happens”! If you or your child is ill or there is an extenuating circumstance preventing you from attending your appointment, please provide us with as much notice as possible.
We want to support you. If you miss appointments or cancel appointments, our staff will have a conversation with you about how we can help. We may be able to offer alternatives/accommodations to your service plan including changing the frequency or location of appointments, changing to virtual or telephone appointments, offering assistance with the cost of transportation etc. We may also be able to help brainstorm solutions to the challenges you are having attending appointments and/or connect you to services within the Centre or community that can offer this help.
We respectfully ask that you:
- Arrive on time for your appointments
- Provide us with as much notice as possible (24 hours is preferred) when cancelling appointments. This includes appointments scheduled at schools if your child will be absent from school.
- Avoid missing an appointment without letting us know in advance (“no-shows”)
- Call or email us back as soon as you are able after we attempt to contact you
- Let us know how we can support you and your family if attending appointments feels difficult
Please note:- Cancelled/missed initial assessment appointments will only be rescheduled twice before your child will be placed back on the waiting list (on the end of the list)
- A maximum of 3 cancelled (with notice) appointments will be rescheduled within your service/therapy plan.
- Only 1 “no-show” appointment will be rescheduled. Additional “no-shows” are more likely to result in a discharge from Centre services.
- If attending appointments continues to be difficult after we have provided alternatives/accommodations, your child may be discharged from services.
- All appointments cancelled by one of our clinicians or by the Centre (e.g. due to clinician illness/absence, Centre closure, etc.) will be made up.
- If we attempt to contact you and you do not respond to our attempts within 2 weeks (we will try phone, email, and contacting all caregivers on file), we will mail you a letter that states that we will discharge your child within 2 weeks of the date we mailed the letter if you do not respond.
- We encourage families to stay home when sick to prevent the spread of infection. Our staff will consider reasons for cancelation when making decisions about impacts to your child’s services.
Any families concerned with changes to their child’s service plan as a result of this policy should first speak to their child’s therapist(s) and then the manager of their child’s services if concerns still exist.