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Recreation Therapy

Challenger Baseball
Women high fives boy on baseball diamond

Challenger Baseball

When you belong, you believe

Calling all Blue Jays fans! Niagara Children's Centre is bringing back one of its most popular summer activities for a new season.

Challenger Baseball, a non-competitive form of the traditional sport, is in association with the Jays Care Foundation. Designed to be grassroots and non-competitive for athletes of all abilities, the sport creates a safe and inclusive environment for all participants with a series of fully adaptable drills and skills followed by a friendly game. Like all activities hosted by Niagara Children's Centre, they're designed around the F-Words for Child Development framework, with a focus on fun, friends, family, and fitness.

Children and youth aged three years and up, living with a range of physical, developmental and communicative delays are invited to register for the new season, starting Monday, May 26.

Season details

Mondays from May 26 to July 28
Lancaster Park, St. Catharines
No session on June 30

Ages 3-8: 4:45 to 5:45 p.m.
Ages 9+: 5:45 to 6:45 p.m.

Ready to register?

Select the appropriate age group below and complete the online registration form. Limited spots are available!

Ages 3 to 8 Ages 9+


Contact Stephanie Hicks by email: stephanie.hicks@niagarachildrenscentre.com or by phone at 905-688-3550 Ext: 127.  

Interested in volunteering?

The Children's Centre is currently seeking volunteers from the Niagara community to participate in the weekly event to help their athletes in various aspects of the game.

Volunteer shift: 4:30 to 7 p.m. / each week 
Mandatory training: Monday. May 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Lancaster Park

Volunteers must be a minimum of 16 years of age and those over the age of 18 must complete a vulnerable sector check at their own expense. For more information and to register, please visit the Centre's volunteer website.