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Special Services At Home

Special Services At Home

Special Services At Home

Niagara Children’s Centre provides support to families in applying for and administering Special Services at Home (SSAH) funding. This government-funded program, managed by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), helps families caring for a child with a developmental and/or physical disability.

Through SSAH, families receive reimbursement-based funding to purchase eligible services and supports, including:
  • Assistance for children to participate in day-to-day activities.
  • Support for activities that promote growth and development.
  • Respite services for parents and caregivers.

For full program details and eligibility, please visit the MCCSS's SSAH webpage.

Disclaimer: If there are any discrepancies between the information on our website and the MCCSS website, please follow the Ministry’s official guidelines. 


To be eligible for SSAH funding, the child or youth must:

  • Be a resident of Ontario
  • Have ongoing functional limitations as a result of a disability
  • Require support beyond what is a normal family responsibility
  • Live at home with their families or live away from their family's home but not reside in a Ministry-funded residential setting

The amount of funding received depends on:

  • the type and amount of service your child needs
  • what other help is available in your community
  • what kind of support you already receive

There are no income requirements for the SSAH program. Approval amounts very based on the needs identified in the application. Approval decisions & the amount of funding are made by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.

Accessing Funding

Parents can choose one of two ways to access funding:

  • Self-Administered Funding: Parents purchase services and supports on their own and submit expense claims directly to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services regional offices for reimbursement. Families contact their Special Agreements Officer from the Ministry with questions about eligible expenses etc. and for assistance with paperwork/submitting invoices.
  • Agency-Administered Funding: Parents purchase the services and supports and submit expense claims to the agency for reimbursement. Niagara Children’s Centre offers this service to families of Centre clients. Families contact the Program Assistant for SSAH at Niagara Children’s Centre with questions about ineligible expenses etc. and for assistance with paperwork/submitting invoices.
  • Note: in both cases, families must pay for the service/equipment upfront and then submit invoices for reimbursement. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and Niagara Children Centre will not pay on behalf of families.

Application Process

Parents, family members, and legal guardians of children and youth under the age of 18 with a developmental or physical disability can apply for SSAH funding.

The application must include medical documentation clearly confirming the diagnosis of the child or youth.

Parents can apply by filling out an application on their own or with the assistance of a professional.

Niagara Children’s Centre provides assistance for completing SSAH applications through regular virtual or in-person workshops. See Programs and Services/Events Calendar for workshops.

Up-to-date information regarding the program as well as application forms and processes can be found at the below links:

For families who want Niagara Children’s Centre to administer their funding:

  • Niagara Children’s Centre must be selected on the application under Administration of funding.
  • Once families have been approved for SSAH, Niagara Children’s Centre along with the family will receive a letter stating approval into the program. The funding amount will not yet be indicated and the family cannot yet submit expenses for reimbursement.
  • Once families receive an additional letter with their approved amount of funding, Niagara Children’s Centre will contact the family and:
    • Mail a batch of invoices that must be used when submitting expenses for reimbursement
    • Mail an EFT form to set up direct deposit for reimbursement. The EFT form must be returned to the Centre promptly along with a void check before expenses can be reimbursed.

Additional info for families with funding administered by Niagara Children’s Centre

For new invoices, or any SSAH questions, concerns or requests for assistance contact:

SSAH@niagarachildrenscentre.com or 905-688-1890 ext. 121

Important Notes:

  • Families can choose to mail, email pictures or scanned copies, or bring invoices directly to the Centre with supporting documentation/receipts.
  • Invoices MUST be submitted by the 10th of the month for payment that month. If the 10th falls on a weekend, the invoices must be submitted by 8 p.m. Invoices received after this date will be processed the following month. The reimbursement/payment date is 5 business days after the 15th of the month.
  • A separate invoice for EACH worker must be submitted.
  • Official receipts are required for proof of payment for registration fees for camp, recreation or other non worker services
  • Any family may switch from Niagara Children’s Centre administered funding to self-administered funding (or self-administered funding to Niagara Children’s Centre administered funding) at any time.

What can funding be used for?

Eligible expenses

Families who are receiving SSAH can be reimbursed for three types of categories:

Support for the child to participate in day-to-day activities

Help with everyday support to make it easier for the child to join community and home activities (like special clothes, items that support the child's sensory needs, extra lessons, tools for learning, and programs for social skills). For example:
  • support that helps the child with their daily routines
  • items or services that help the child's sensory needs
  • help with activities related to the child taking care of themselves (self-care)
  • support to keep the child safe in their daily routines
  • tutoring to help the child with their learning

Support for the child to participate in activities of growth and development

Helps the child to take part in activities that promote their growth and development like hobbies, activities with family and friends, and planning for the future. 

This covers things that support the child in:
  • Functioning: An activity that helps the child build a skill
  • Family: Helps the child participate in a family activity
  • Friends: Helps the child participate in a social activity
  • Fun: Helps the child do something they enjoy
  • Fitness: Helps the child do a physical activity
  • Future: Helps plan for the child’s future

Respite services and supports

Offers temporary relief for main caregivers (for example, parents) or assists with the extra needs of their child (such as care at home or outside by a respite worker, friend, or non-main caregiver family member, training to learn new skills for supporting their child, help with house chores while they care for their child, like snow removal). 

This can include:
  • hiring someone to directly help with the child’s care
  • Camp expenses
  • Purchasing overnight respite
  • Purchasing respite from a daytime program
  • Purchasing before and/or after school care and care during PA Days, March breaks, summer breaks
  • Purchasing a service to help the main caregiver with other household responsibilities while the main caregiver takes care of the child
  • Training for the main caregiver on how to better support the child

Ineligible expenses

  1. Basic Living Expenses
    • Food and meals, both groceries and dining out
    • Home-related expenses (like rent, furniture, major appliances, home improvements, permanent or semi-permanent improvements such as in-ground or above ground swimming pools)
    • Phone and internet services at home, as well as cell phone services
    • Personal items and services not connected to the child's special needs such as toiletries, spa treatments, cosmetics, and tools/weapons (e.g. bow/arrows, knives)
    • Dental care and related services
    • Private school tuition for the child
    • Tuition for formal education of parents, caregivers or other family members (for example, for a post-secondary degree)
    • Transportation expenses (for example, car payments, transit fares)
    • Holiday costs and travel (for example, while camp fees for the child with a disability are eligible, costs for the entire family to attend a family camp are not eligible)

  2. Items, supports and services that are funded/provided through other government programs (federal, provincial, and municipal), or co-pays for those items

  3. Supports and services provided outside the province of Ontario. 
Source: MCCSS SSAH website

When hiring a worker, you can

  • Hire a worker directly
  • Work with an agency to purchase supports from the workers they employ
  • Hire a family member who is over the age of 18 and not the primary caregiver, parent, step-parent or spouse