Launching the school-based rehab tiered intervention pilot project
In the fall of 2023, we launched our Occupational Therapy (OT) Tier model of intervention project across 12 schools from both the District School Board of Niagara and the Niagara Catholic District School Board.
Within the Tier 1 model framework, OTs worked closely with teachers and educational assistants to enhance classroom environments. The process involved weekly visits to the classroom, observing classroom activities, and making recommendations that would benefit the development of all children including enhanced fine motor skills (scissor usage/printing), regulation exercises/activities, flexible seating options, and enhanced gross motor skills through movement and play.
Initial feedback from the project has been positive. Teachers noted significant improvements in classroom dynamics, with many reporting that the strategies have made a noticeable difference in student engagement and behavior.
By implementing this model, we were able to provide critical early intervention, and maximize the impact of our OTs by reaching a greater number of children. This approach also fosters an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes learning and development for every student. We look forward to reaching more schools in this upcoming school year.